Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Align CenterI will post pics later......

Decorating for Christmas

We had a blast decorating for Christmas on Wednesday!!!! Anna's favorite part was OF COURSE...... decorating the tree!!!!!! Drew's favorite part is taking down all the ornaments.
Enjoy the pics.......

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Loving the Library

Today I had to take Drew to the hospital for some outpatient labs (long story). So Andrew decided to take Anna to the library. Andrew said she had a wonderful time!!!!! Apparently, she sat in the floor and read books to herself most of the time!!!! I am so glad that she loves to read. Here is a pic of her library adventure......

Spending time with one another

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Not much to report. Anna had her Thanksgiving party at school on Thursday. Anna was such a great host to Drew and I!!!! She had made a place mat and a turkey made out of flower pots. After our wonderful lunch we enjoyed a skit that Anna and her classmates performed.
On Friday, I decided that we would stay home and just enjoy each other's company( I was pretty worn out b/c Andrew had been in New York all week). We decided to paint. This is Drew's first time painting. Enjoy the pics........

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Drew man and the "pink purse"

Drew hanging out in Anna's baby stoller

Drew carrying around his "pink" purse

Seeing what goodies he can find in his purse

Saturday, November 08, 2008

David Keith

Does anyone know who David Keith is.......

He was in the movie "An Officer and a Gentleman". He must have season tickets a few rows down from where we sit. I thought this was too funny not to share......

This is what happens when your team stinks.....

you fall asleep.....Andrew and Anna headed up to Knoxville for the UT Homecoming game. Andrew said "Anna had a blast"!!! She loved the marching band the best!!!! Her next best thing was Smokey and the cheerleaders. She eventually fell asleep in the 4th quarter (she still takes 3 hour naps). Also, I want to wish Aunt Susan a Happy 39th Birthday!!!!!!